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No matter what struggles, hardships, or difficulties, you are facing, we want you to know that you don't have to walk through them alone. Our Support and Recovery Groups offer help, hope, and healing to guide you through challenging times and connect you with people who share a similar story.


The purpose of a Support Group at HDC is to provide emotional and spiritual support for people who share common life experiences and difficulties so they can experience courage and hope in Christ that helps them move forward as a world-changing disciple of Jesus Christ.


A group for those who have suffered the loss of someone in their life (meets weekly; all year)

Living Courageously

A group for the chronically or terminally ill and their families (1st and 3rd Tuesdays; all year)

Divorce Care

A group for those needing help from the pain and issues of divorce (a 13-week group that runs 2 times a year)

Anxiety and Depression

A women’s only group (meets weekly; on break currently, starts back up July 24th)

Anxiety and Depression

A 10-week coed group (repeats 2-3 times a year)

“I Got Your 6”

Combat trauma, PTSD group for men (Meets 2nd and 4th Tuesday; every month)

When War Hits Home

A group for wives whose husbands struggle with combat trauma (Meets 2nd and 4th Tuesday; every month)

Through Your Eyes (Special Needs)

A group that will provide resources and encouragement (meets 2nd and 4th Tuesdays; all year)

Parents with children identifying as gay or transgender

A group that will provide resources and encouragement (2nd and 4th Tuesdays)

The purpose of a Recovery Group at HDC is to help people experience God’s healing power regarding an area of addiction in their life so they can move forward as a world-changing disciple of Jesus Christ.

Overcomers Outreach

A group for adults struggling with drug or alcohol addiction (meets weekly all year on Wednesday at 8:00 am and Friday night at 7:00 pm in the VV Campus gym, room 101)

Pure Life

A group for men struggling with pornography and other sexual addiction issues (meets weekly all year off-campus, call hotline at 760-245-2415 x 8888 for more info)

Pure Life Spouses

A group for wives whose husbands are in the Pure Life group (meets in a home on Tuesdays all year, call 760-887-0750)


Care Group Signup Entry


Jesus said that He would not leave His followers alone, but instead sent the Holy Spirit, the Counselor, who lives inside every believer, guiding them into the truth, reminding them of what Jesus taught, convicting them of sin, and helping them understand and apply the Word of God. Every believer has the Great Counselor living inside us all the time! (see John 14:16-18, 23-27; 16:8-15)

While HDC does not currently have a counseling ministry, our Pastors and Ministers can give advice about how the Bible applies to life situations. If you would like to talk to someone about a spiritual need, please call our church offices at (760) 245-2415.