Series Detail


4/19/2020 - 10/4/2020

Through people repenting and entrusting their lives to God, they experience a spiritual transformation. This spiritual transformation will impact the community they are in, their relationships, and how they live their lives. This series focuses upon the spiritual transformation that people experience when they follow God and the different aspects of life that will change for the better as they follow the plan God has for them.

In This Series

Immeasurably More

Tom Mercer

God wants to use each of us to achieve His plan. In this sermon, we discuss our need to have willing hearts for God to do immeasurably more in our lives and in the lives of our Oikos. 

An Unhindered Gospel

Jody Livingston

Throughout the Bible, God commands His followers to constantly tell others about Him. In this sermon, we discuss how to make the most of every opportunity to share the gospel with others. 

Don't Die 'Til You're Dead

Tom Mercer

Every individual has a God-given purpose. In this sermon, we discuss how God protects His people to accomplish His purpose. 

Trials, Trials, and More Trials

Kurt Thielen

Throughout life, trials will provide us with a platform to tell others about our faith in God. In this sermon, we discuss the trials that Paul faced and how trials do not derail God's plan. 

Courageous Conviction

Brian Haney

Biblical conviction is characterized by a commitment to Scripture, the construction of beliefs based on Scripture, and the courage to act on those beliefs. In this sermon, we discuss the need to have courage to hold biblical convictions, meet people where they are, and share what God has done in your life. 

Your Front Row Flock

Tom Mercer

God has placed 8 to 15 people in the front row of your life. In this sermon, we discuss the need for you to live, learn, and look out for others. 

Who's Plan Is It Anyway?

Brian Haney

God's plan for our lives is always superior to the plan we create for ourselves. In this sermon, we discuss how God's plan for us may require us to adjust our plan to ensure we accomplish His will. 

Growth Through Relationships

Paul Gostanian

When Christians experience fear and isolation, God uses His people to get rid of another's discouragement. In this sermon, we discuss how Christians need to be relationally connected to grow spiritually. 

To Know God and Make Him Known

Tom Mercer

People do not need to go to a specific building to get to know God. In this sermon, we discuss how God is not framed by a system and how His plan was fulfilled on the cross. 

The Providence of God

Brian Haney

God has a strategic plan for each person's life. In this sermon, we discuss how we do not always get to pick who we reach, the direction we go, and the situations we encounter. 

Godly Conflict Resolution

Todd Arnett

In this sermon, we discuss how to resolve conflict and how the Holy Spirit's presence is obvious when church members are responding to one another in love, kindness, and respect for each other's concerns and thoughts. 

Responding to Hostile Fire

Tom Mercer

Christians may have to face hostility from those who do not have a relationship with God. In this sermon, we discuss how Christians should respond to hostile fire and the different types of hostility they may encounter. 

Purposeful Prayer

Tom Mercer

When we pray, we trust in God's immeasurable power and unconditional love. In this sermon, we discuss how we need to pray with a comprehensive view of God, maintain confidence that God is listening, and thank Him for answering your prayers. 

A New Energy

Tom Mercer

It is important for Christians to maintain motivation and energy to tell others about God. In this sermon, we discuss a strategy to fight spiritual fatigue.

Yes, That Guy

Tom Mercer

As Christians, we need to share the truth of Jesus Christ to those who do not know Him to help alleviate any fears or misunderstandings they may have. In this sermon, we discuss the four phases of spiritual transformation that people experience. 

New Direction

Brian Haney

As Christians, we need to share the truth of Jesus Christ to those who do not know Him to help alleviate any fears or misunderstandings they may have. In this sermon, we discuss the four phases of spiritual transformation that people go through. 

A Stiff Neck

Tom Mercer

As a Christian, an obstruction of justice is an obstruction of purpose. In this sermon, we discuss how we must focus on our mission and be bold in the face of criticism. 

Come Together

Tom Mercer

As seen throughout the Bible, the devil loves to divide God's people. In this sermon, we discuss what we can do to bring people together and remain undivided. 

I Love Us

Tom Mercer

As Christians, we need to be willing to put aside our opinions to help accomplish God's will. In this sermon, as discuss how an authentic Christian community leads to sacrificial giving. 

Would God Ever Break the Law?

Tom Mercer

God created structures that encourage healthy relationships. In this sermon, we discuss how Christians are called to submit to authority to keep their focus on sharing the Gospel to others. 

Jesus Saves

Tom Mercer

Throughout life, we will receive good and bad news. In this sermon, we discuss how God wants to turn our burdens and blessings into opportunities to change the world. 

Prepared for WorldChange

Tom Mercer

Christian communities share a devotion to God, respect for His power, and love one another. In this sermon, we discuss the value of Christian communities. 

Leaving Religion Behind

Brian Haney

When you move beyond religion, God will move in your life in unexpected ways to help change a culture that often rejects Christianity. In this sermon, we discuss how everyone needs to repent their sins and entrust their lives to God. 

Prepared for Deployment

Tom Mercer

Just because our efforts are not perfect, that does not mean Christians are not powerful. In this sermon, we discuss how God commands and empowers His followers to be His witnesses.