Rose of Sharon - Providing promising futures for adults with developmental disabilities.
Atherton Baptist Home - Offering Christian based living for senior citizens in Southern California.
Jeff and Kristen Goodwin - Serving as a pastor to a rural church in Colorado through Village Missions for 11 years.
Leihlyn Tinio - Discipling college students through The Navigators for 27 years.
Myron and Cathy Stickley - Providing ministerial care for the elderly in nursing homes for 26 years.
Paul and Micah Craig - Serving wth InFaith to reach the youth of rural communities for 15 years.
Randy and Marilyn Raysbrook - Provides leadership in The Navigators to reach college students with the gospel for 40 years.
Sam and Kathy Johns - Provides leadership in The Navigators to reach college students with the gospel for 40 years.